Our Faith


Together we grow faithfully in Christ


As Lutheran Christians, we teach a faith that grows out of God's grace. "Faith" is about

 a relationship with God, so it includes both our beliefs and our way of life.

To learn more about the Lutheran perspective on the life of faith, click here.
Faith Practices
At Living Waters, we encourage faith practices. As in any other area of life, practice

makes faith more meaningful, deeper, and more natural--and you don't have

to be skillful to practice. Scroll down to learn more about six faith practices we

encourage at Living Waters:


Weekly Worship
Worship on Sunday mornings gives us a chance to focus on God as we sing and pray together and receive the holy sacraments. 

​Daily Bible Reading
For a daily Bible passage from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 
click here
For a daily devotional reading, including a Bible verse, 
click here

Nurturing Relationships

Living Waters invites all ages to participate fully in our community of faith! 
Learn more ...

Serving in and beyond the Congregation
We serve our congregation, community, and world in a variety of ways. 
Learn more ...

Living Waters teaches the principle of stewardship, meaning that everything we have--body and mind, community and creation, talents and possessions--is entrusted to us by God to use for God's glory. One way to practice stewardship is through faithful giving. One way to practice stewardship is through faithful giving. If you would like to give a one-time or recurring gift to Living Waters, please click on the button: 


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