Living Waters is home to a thriving youth population .
We gather on a regular basis to discuss life, grow in faith and have fun together. If you are in Middle or High School come and be a part of the group or activity that best describes you.
Please join us. ALL are Welcome!
(Grades 7 & 8)
Confirmation classes meet outside at noon on Sundays. Our time together is structured around team building and growing in our understanding of God. We have a two-year rotation of lessons, alternating between learning about Scripture and the catechism (or a lot of the other faith stuff). Youth are encouraged to bring their questions, so we can wrestle with them together.
Youth will have an opportunity to affirm their baptism after their second year. We welcome new youth to join us!
​Contact the church office if you are interested or have questions.
(Hight School)
We meet on Sundays during the school year from noon to 2:00. Once a month we go to a local coffee shop and enjoy a cup of coffee with Christ. The other weeks there is time for hanging out and exploring life. Our time together also has us exploring matters of faith through reading the Bible together in a way that helps it to come alive in our own context and lives.
Please join us for this time of learning, fun and sharing.
Events are planned throughout the year to bring together our Middle and High School youth.
St. Bethany Waters
On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month from 5p.m. till 7:30p.m. (in general) we gather together with St. Barnabas Lutheran in Cary, IL and Bethany Lutheran in Crystal Lake to have youth led events. Adult advisers are around to help lead and direct the youth. The responsibilities of leading the events that youth have decided to create is that of the hosting congregation. That means we travel to a different church campus each time we meet. This also allows us to use the gifts of each of our facilities. Check the calendar to see when and where the next meeting is going to be.
Being youth led also allows for the youth to determine what they want to accomplish, talk about and do on a seasonal basis. This also allows for the youth to develop in leadership skills and abilities, while claiming ownership in the church.
If you have any questions please talk with Erin Taylor about this. Otherwise plan on seeing your LW friends at the next St. Bethany Waters meeting either at our campus or one of the other congregations.